UOWM University College has a long history in Malaysia, having delivered over 35 years of superior tertiary education. UOWM is proud of providing real world education to meet real world needs. Students who study at UOWM-ELC have access to UOWM's state of the art facilities including their 50 000 square foot library, IT labs, discussion cubes and multi-purpose halls. The campus is ideal for students who want an authentic taste of university life. The college is located about 30 minutes from KL city centre. For more information regarding UOWM, please click here
University Inbound Exchange Program
UOWM's mobility program is aimed at international students who want to have a truly immersive experience in Malaysian culture. Students can choose from short, mid, or long-term programs. University groups may cater the course based on their specific needs.
Volunteer Program
This program allows you to give back to the community while learning English. We offer a range of volunteering programs in various environments such as: orphanages, retirement homes, animal shelters, environmental organizations, etc. In order to get a well-rounded experience, you can combine English classes prior to your volunteer program.
Leadership Camp
Our camp is designed to help students grow into global citizens, in a fun and engaging way. Our leadership classes will help students become more independent, develop cross-cultural awareness and develop critical thinking skills. This will be the students first steps towards an international career.
University Class Audit
Students have the chance of sitting in on university lectures alongside other UOWM students. You can participate in a General study course, such as Malay Language, Malaysian Cultural Studies, Critical Thinking Skills or a UOWM Specialization study, e.g. Culinary Art, Business and Accounting, Communication & Creative Art, Engineering or Computing and Creative Media.

As one of the leading English language schools in Malaysia, ELC’s partnership with UOWM University College, aims to provide an immersive, productive English learning experience.